Sally Mann

14 09 2010

Sally Mann says she works like a magpie.  She will just go around and pick up whats laying around and take a picture of it.  For example, she has done a lot of photographs of her children as they have grown up throughout the years.  She just photographed her children because they were there not because she had an overwhelming interest in children.

Her children said that she would be so immersed in her work it was almost like she didn’t have time for them and that instead of a mother they had a mentor and friend.  They said that it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing because she was around for them but she always had a camera.  Sally also photographs landscapes and her children say that is what she will be most remembered for in the long run.  She uses the unique and outdated style of using an old Collodion Camera which gives her photos the abstract and rustic looks that she is driven towards.  Always striving for a sense of ambiguity Sally has created some of the most compelling photos of the twenty first century.



One response

14 09 2010

I have seen that picture of her children before, your second photo insert, and have always thought it was a very amazing looking picture but I didn’t know who it was until now. I enjoy the old rustic look to these photos, they seem so much better than a professional “good looking” picture to me .

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